The Journal of Dental Panacea

Online ISSN: 2348-8727


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Megha Chawla*, Bhavna Gupta Saraf, Neha Sheoran, Saumya Paul, Siji Elizabeth, Shivani Singh

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Dental cross-bite: The paradigm of interception in orthodontics

Review Article

Author Details : Megha Chawla*, Bhavna Gupta Saraf, Neha Sheoran, Saumya Paul, Siji Elizabeth, Shivani Singh

Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2021

Article Page : 29-32

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Crossbite is a form of malocclusion in which a tooth (or teeth) in the upper or lower dental arch is more buccal or lingual (that is, closer to the cheek or tongue) than its corresponding antagonist tooth. Crossbite, to put it another way, is a lateral misalignment of the dental arches. Crossbite should be corrected as soon as a child’s cooperation is obtained. Early treatment may prevent or slow the progression of abnormal alveolar processes and jaws.

Keywords: Crossbite, Dental crossbite, Anterior cross bite, Posterior crossbite.

How to cite : Chawla M , Saraf B G, Sheoran N , Paul S , Elizabeth S , Singh S , Dental cross-bite: The paradigm of interception in orthodontics. J Dent Panacea 2021;3(1):29-32

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