The Journal of Dental Panacea

Online ISSN: 2348-8727


The Journal of Dental Panacea (JDP) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal, Publish quarterly as Open Access (OA).  Vision of this journal  for better dissemination of knowledge, Journal will be publishing the article ‘Ahead of Print’ immediately on acceptance. In addition, the journal would allow free access (Open Access) to its contents, which is likely to attract more readers and citations to articles published in JDP. Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with “Uniform requirements” of the The Journal of Dental Panacea as more...

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The Journal of Dental Panacea


Table of Contents

Year-2023 | Volume: 5 | Issue 2

Review Article

A review on stem cells in dentistry

Author : Kedar Kawsankar*, Anuja Deshpande, Vasant Ambulgekar

Doi :   Page No : 51-53

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (169)] [Download (131)]

Digitalization in maxillofacial prosthodontics- A review

Author : Husbana Bakrolwala, Sunit Kumar Jurel, Pooran Chand, Raghuwar Dayal Singh, Rushikesh Bhau Bhujbal*

Doi :   Page No : 59-64

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (405)] [Download (366)]